Friday, May 15, 2009

Day 1 - Jet Lag

The main reason I am updating so soon after updating since yesterday is because I need there to be a blog entry dedicated to the first full day spent in India. I need to see "Day 1" on here - I don't know why.  Even if there is nothing significant said, putting this day in the books eases my mind, and perhaps I will sleep longer and more soundly than the night before. And while I'm on the subject of sleep, let me just say that today was a day of warring with jet lag. 

One interesting thing about being in India is that, coming from California, I am on the exact opposite side of the world; India is exactly 12 1/2 hours ahead of the Pacific Time Zone. Neither West nor East will take me any farther away from the Golden State. In other words, speaking horizontally, I am the farthest I can be away from my home right now. And based upon that fact, for some reason or another it makes everything here seem a little more alien, a little more off-set, as if I truly were on another planet and have the daunting task of observing it's peculiar inhabitants and their peculiar ways - even though so far everything I've seen and heard reminds me of other places I've been to in the world. 

Anyway, since today was our first day, and since we were all suffering heavily from jet lag, the day was rather relaxed and instructional. We took a couple of walks and familiarized ourselves with local area: checked out the park close by, as well as a small temple and the nearest market just down the road, which looks vaguely like something from Tim Burton's interpretation of Gotham City, with all of its suspended and tangled power lines, its narrow and dank streets and its high half-decrepit buildings. And while it is this way, it is still yet very much alive and congested with people and their need for consumption, including myself (I got some coffee), as well as with cars that barely fit in this bustling place; and you can feel it all pulsating. And all that to say: I liked it, and I want to go back. Maybe I'll go back tomorrow if I can. 

On a spiritual note, I have yet to feel the powerful presence of the spiritual mindedness I had anticipated to be unique to this country. And more than anything else, I am looking forward to feeling it and sensing it and knowing it on a personal level, because than I think I will begin feel deeply for Indians. But tomorrow is promising. We will be visiting some prominent temples in the city, and this excites me greatly. 

And on that note, my Day 1 entry comes to a close; jet lag is still pulling at my eyelids and my pillow calls. Question: what kind of voice do you think your pillow has? 




Adrian Martinez said...

My pillow sounds like Chan Marshall.

Hope Ekholm said...

Ms. Potts from beauty and the beast.

Tim Cahill said...

good to hear from you brother! i hope that you are doing wonderfully and I got your letter. that was really nice of you! i am always reminded of you when i see gumby. i'm holdin onto it until you get back.