Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 38 - Halfway Point

I am over half way through my trip in India. Sometimes it's hard for me to admit that I am actually here, living in another country - and for over a month now. Some days I think this is all a trick, that I'm actually not in India but in some unknown part of America, as if this was all some kind of large simulation - or even worse, that I'm just dreaming, because I know when I get back to America, this will all feel like a dream, a really vivid dream. 
Everything always ends up feeling like a dream. And most everyone moves on without any problems, because you have to. 
I have four weeks left. I have met people. Good people. I must love them. Even though they are characters in this dream, I have to see them as real. I have to believe that I will see them again one day. I have to believe that God has invaded this dream and has given me these people for a reason. 
It's always been fascinating to me that during some dreams, if they are vivid enough, you are convinced you are awake, but then when  you actually do wake up, you then are most certain you are awake. I don't understand how we tell the difference sometimes. Maybe after I die and awake into the afterlife, it will feel like waking from a dream. And then at that time I will be certain more than ever that I am awake. 
This is silly. Sorry for the pointless post. I just don't know what to write. I'll try and make my next post more worth reading.


Adrian Martinez said...


This was a beautiful post. I even wrote down some of it.



Sam Hauser said...

i liked it... not pointless at all. next to Adrian, i might be your blogs biggest fan :)