Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ecclesiastes 5:2

"Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few."

A friend showed me this verse the other day when we were discussing the nature, or better yet, the struggle we have had with praying. Surprisingly I couldn't recall the last time I had read it. Somewhere along the line it must have completely slipped from my memory because it came across as totally unfamiliar to me, which, in a way, was kind of nice and refreshing. The last sentence I remembered, however, though not from the Bible but from a song. Anyway, I thought I would post the verse because it gave me somewhat of a new perspective on praying; in a way, it helped me to better realize the bewildering, reverential, and almost audacious nature of praying. That I, one meager little human being, here on Earth, can actually speak with the living God. I think it's easy, either out of habit or simply out of pride and vanity, to assume too much in our prayers and not weigh our words carefully. I mean, what do I, or what can I say to the Creator of all things that he doesn't already know? It's staggering to think about.    


benjamindavidbrown said...


Adrian Martinez said...

that is a spectacular verse. thank you for sharing it.

jenny phebe said...

I have never read this verse. Thanks for sharing =)

Hope you have a great day, John!