Thursday, August 28, 2008

Now that you found it, it's gone. Now that you feel it, you don't.

///A couple of photos from the Radiohead concert last night. 
I would have taken more, but I was too busy being absolutely entranced by the music and lights///

Here was the set-list for the night:
01. 15 Steps
02. Airbag
03. There There
04. All I Need
05. Nude
06. Talk Show Host
07. Where I End You Begin
08. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
09. The Gloaming
10. Faust Arp
11. How To Disappear Completely
12. Reckoner
13. Optimistic
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. Pyramid Song
16. Climbing Up The Walls
17. Bodysnatchers

Encore 1: 
18. House of Cards
19. You and Whose Army
20. Just
21. Paranoid Android
22. Street Spirit

Encore 2:
23. Videotape
24. Lucky
25. Everything In Its Right Place

It wasn't an impeccable set-list, in my opinion; they could have played more from Kid A, and I would have died a happy man if they had played Let Down. But you can't be too picky, I guess.
Highlights: Pyramid Song, Videotape, How To Disappear Completely, Everything In Its Right Place, Paranoid Android, You and Whose Army?

1 comment:

Aaron M. Williams said...

What are you doing in a week or so? I'm thinkin' you, me, Radiohead, Tokyo.