Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The time: 1:20 a.m. I exist. Barely.

I think being self-aware is a puzzling notion to ponder. There is a quote from the movie, Wings of Desire, that I find quite soul-enriching for some reason. Perhaps it will better describe the state of puzzlement I feel now at 1:20 a.m., on a Tuesday morning, a time when I feel least eloquent. Well, now it's 1:27 a.m. Not much has changed though. My desk is still here, thankfully, just as cluttered as ever, and my stuffed penguin is still staring at me with his lidless eyes. You know what else I find puzzling? That I possess a reservoir or words that together comprise a unique language. I was thinking about that today. For example, whenever I desire to communicate an idea or thought or image in my mind, the words are there for my use. But sometimes the words are not there, and I get very angry.

I have digressed. 

Here is the quote:

"When the child was a child it was the time of these questions: 'Why am I me and why not you? Why am I here, and why not there? Where did time begin, and where does space end? Isn't life under the sun just a dream? Isn't what I see, hear, and smell, just the mirage of a world before the world? Does evil actually exist, and are there people who are really evil? How can it be that I, who am I, wasn't before I was? And that sometime I, the one I am, no longer will be the one I am?'"

You know what else puzzles me? This picture:

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